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August 10 is the Agent Orange Day! To raise awareness about the lingering effects of this poison legacy, to remember all the people who affected, and suffered from Agent Orange, 9669 Films officially released 2019's production "Inside This Peace". It was on August 10 - 1961, fifty years ago, that the US military first sprayed Agent Orange in Viet Nam, the defoliant containing the deadly chemical dioxin. This is the 15 minutes Free Version of the film. The Non-Free 60 minutes Version is on Amazon and our websites for purchase. All proceeds from platforms that charge to see the film will be donated to Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign (Hội Nạn Nhân chất độc da cam/dioxin Việt Nam, VAVA). With deepest appreciation and gratitude for all help, love, and kindness. Linh Nga – 9669 Films.
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” (Mahatma Gandhi)
"Justice too long delayed is justice denied" (Martin Luther King, Jr. 1963)
To learn more about Agent Orange Day, check out:
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